Also see my GoogleScholar profile
Sunny Jardine, Katy Bland, and Adam L. Hayes (2024). Fishing Portfolio Response to a Climate Shock (Open access version) Marine Resource Economics.
Marysia Szymkowiak, Andrew Steinkruger, and Adam L. Hayes (2024). Alaska’s Emergent Fisheries Processes (Accepted version) Ocean & Coastal Management, 249: 107004.
Alberto Rovellini, André Punt, Meaghan Bryan, et al. (2024). Linking climate stressors to ecological processes in ecosystem models, with a case study from the Gulf of Alaska (Open Access) ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsae002.
Ann Bostrom, Gisela Böhm, Adam L. Hayes, and Robert O’Connor (2020). Credible Threat: Perceptions of Pandemic Coronavirus, Climate Change and the Morality and Management of Global Risks (Open Access) Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Whitney Fleming, Adam L. Hayes, Katherine M. Crosman, and Ann Bostrom (2020). Indiscriminate, irrelevant, and sometimes wrong: Causal misconceptions about climate change (Working paper version) Risk Analysis, 41(1): 157-178.
Adam L. Hayes (2020). Estimating willingness-to-pay for fishing quota using a random bidding model (Working Paper) IIFET 2020 Conference.
Katherine M. Crosman, Ann Bostrom, and Adam L. Hayes (2019). Efficacy Foundations for Risk Communication: How People Think About Reducing the Risks of Climate Change (Working paper version) Risk Analysis, 39(10): 2329-2347.
Ann Bostrom, Adam L. Hayes, and Katherine M. Crosman (2019). Efficacy, Action, and Support for Reducing Climate Change Risks (Working paper version) Risk Analysis, 39(4): 805-828.
Adam L. Hayes and Tyler A. Scott (2018). Multiplex network analysis for complex governance systems using surveys and online behavior (Working paper version) Policy Studies Journal, 46(2): 327-353.
Adam L. Hayes, Eliza C. Heery, Elizabeth Maroon, Anna K. McLaskey, and Christine C. Stawitz (2018). The role of scientific expertise in local adaptation to projected sea level rise (Open Access) Environmental Science and Policy, 87: 55-63.